Our Vision
To be the most successful mid-brain activation education institution in Singapore offering the highest success rate over the shortest training period.

Our Mission
To ensure all our students receive the best training during and after our classes. We are committed to the success of each student by not only using the most scientific training techniques but also providing readily available support and refresher courses after training.

The Theory
The concept of right brain and left brain thinking developed from the research in the late 1960s of an American psycho biologist Roger W Sperry. He discovered that the human brain has two very different ways of thinking. One (the right brain) is visual and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The other (the left brain) is verbal and processes information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole. Sperry was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1981.

The right brain of the brain focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole

Left brain thinking is verbal and analytical. Right brain is non-verbal and intuitive, using pictures rather than words.

Mid Brain Activation
By learning to use the “mid brain” through the systematic training approach at MLT, children can fully realize their potential by activating both sides of their brain simultaneously. By consciously using the right side of our brain, we can be more creative. More so, because left brain strategies are the ones used most often in the classroom.

Improving Children’s study skills
By activating the power of both hemispheres, a child will be able to retain knowledge better and become more proficient in all subjects, with enhanced memory, concentration, perception and self-confidence.

Children below 13 years of age are at the best age for learning new techniques.

"我是左脑。我是科学家,数学家。我喜欢熟悉的事物。我归类整理。我很精确。线性运作。分析。策略。我 是实用的。总是受控良好。词汇与语言的大师。实用主义。我计算平衡并玩弄数字。我是命令。我是逻辑。我准确地知道我是什么。"

"我是右脑。我富有创 造力。自由的灵魂。我是激情。渴求。欲望。我是狂热的笑声。我是滋味。赤足下沙的触感。我是运动。鲜活的色彩。我是在空白帆布上作画的渴望。我是无界的幻想。艺术。诗歌。我感觉。我感知。我是任何我想成为的东西。"

上则是左右脑个别功能。 间脑启动是为撮合双脑同步并用。 一般人一个时间只能运用一边的脑。 启动间脑能开始使另一半边的脑在潜意识里找同音波配搭。  

Our Team


Balmoral Plaza, Singapore
Out of the Box Kids' Club, Singapore
PSB Building, Singapore
SBF Center, Singapore
Brilliant Student Care, Singapore

Permas Jaya, Malaysia
Langkawi, Malaysia

Quezon, Philippines


By learning to use the “mid brain” through the
systematic training approach at MLT, children
can fully realize their potential by activating
both sides of their brain simultaneously. By
consciously using the right side of our brain,
we can be more creative.

More so, because left brain strategies are the
ones used most often in the classroom. 


Eddie – 9 years old

I had a good time. It was fun. I can walk around with my eyes closed and not hitting anything. It is so cool………